A Love Story that Survived Death

A Love Story that Survived Death

Aug 21, 2009

Greetings to my fellow Americans, taxpayers, and investors. I'd like to say I'm inspired also by Jim Hightower's latest news letter “we need to eliminate the FED”.

(The Federal Reserve System) that private group Jim Marrs describes in Rule By Secrecy. I am amazed that the Americans screaming “Down with Health Care Reform” are not screaming “Down with the Fed”. Those people concerned about control of their health plans don't seem to realize that the fed has complete control of their lives. The Fed controls our money & our debt in secrecy. As Buckminster Fuller pointed out before his death, the presidents of United States is pathetic. He has zero power. No other nation allows a foreign power such control over their finances. Why why do we? As my daughter says; better the Fed. The Congress could be worse. May be. But better we make

Our own mistake. It galls me to see my taxes used to bail out 3 Rockefeller Banks, Citibank, Chase Manhattan & Bank of America, especially since it was money from the Rockefeller Foundation to the CIA to be used in their mind control operation beginning in 1954 to create the perfect spy. David Rockefeller was one of the most important members of the control group of 12 backed up by 300 more families. Since he died I no longer know who is in charge but I will find out for you.

I was a spy for the CIA in Mexico City. I was also a victim of the CIA, mind control experiment in 1958 thus my grand desire to overthrow the Fed and anything else the Rockefellers control.

My ancestors landed in Connecticut in 1635. They fought on both sides of the American revolution of 1776. The loser lost their valuable land on the Hudson River near New York City & fled to Canada. I descended from the winners. The spirit of 76 seems lost today. No one seems to care that we fled Europe to avoid the Royal Mafia of aristocracy & kings & queens. The queen of England & the queen of Holland are represented on the

board of 12 that run us, our media, & the Fed. Just like in 1776 all of our tax money goes to THEM. This is fact. This is no conspiracy theory.

More later with the facts.